If this was in the philippines, there would be ten guys with hammers and shovels, taking a month to get started.I find it professional, but the cleaning + irrigation before spreading the carpet is still too poor. Is there a road for bicycles and cars, walking, so there are no heavy trucks.Please make a video next about the factory that makes the paint for the road lines
Man the contractors I work with would've been pissed cussing and yelling if the concrete went over the form.The older white truck didn’t spill a drop. Great video, very satisfying.I feel better as a rookie after seeing this pour.I wouldn’t let these guys pour my water.This has been flat out the worst concrete pour l have ever watched...l wouldn't let this crew pour a floor for a dog house.My four-year-old boy and I watched this together after I was telling him about how I used to pour concrete. He's playing with his toy cement mixer right now. Thanks for putting this online!
My wife is watching some crappy show on Netflix, that's why I'm here watching what real men watch.The wood on the orange and green machine looks too good for firewood.That tree was probably over 100 years old, and now its gone in a matter of minutes because someone wants a new dining table or something....I love at the beginning when they are felling the tree, the one guy is dressed like a spokesman for Stihl and has all the safety gear while his buddy’s got nothing protective and looks like he was just cutting grass or something.
No matter how old I get I feel like a little kid when I watch big machinery.I know we need wood for many things but these machines can cut down and strip a tree in less than a minute each at this pace they could wipe out many acres in a day and they don't bother to select cut the just clear cut and then come back and plant a 1 inch seedling hoping it survives and can grow so they can do it again in 40 years
Watching a crane hanging midair for one and a half minute, and then... Hey, nice shirt!How the heck could these moronic operators not notice their crane was starting to tip and not lower their load???The second crane that was picking up the white and blue boom arm truck. You should of dismounted the counter weight on the back and disassembled the wheel house on the front and carried them separately. Those two pieces are extremely heavy and would of made a huge difference in weight load. Good luck next time.
Why would you paint that beautiful hardwood?!What in the world. The thumbnail was a scam! Have to wait until the end and then it's just a photo with a description of what sand blasting does? That's getting desperate for views. Public thumbs down now that YT doesn't show them anymore.What in the world. The thumbnail was a scam! Have to wait until the end and then it's just a photo with a description of what sand blasting does? That's getting desperate for views. Public thumbs down now that YT doesn't show them anymore.
Please do one for people! we desperately need this to commute from work and back!!Is this for real? Those fish are going through one hell of a ride. I assume this is like the land bridge concept for deer.Build small streams around the dam with rocks and concrete. Make it deep enough for the salmon into it. Control the depth with gates and use it only when the salmon come to spawn. A controlled depth shouldn’t lower the water behind the dam to much. Wild Salmon are a multi billion dollar industry, also one of the healthiest food.
Oh! We came so close to actually seeing them do it! Maybe next time. China is really spending the hell out of all that Wal Mart money. Good for them, at least they aren't hoarding it.That's not even enough time for the concrete to set properly. I wonder if it's still standing.Here in Oregon that would have taken 12 years, 5 contractors and 4 lawsuits.
Nice song at the beginning, does anyone know what it is?I love video like these. One thing: that wheel wasn't being dipped into carbon fiber, it was a carbon fiber patterned dip. The wheel itself is still aluminum, but it has a pattern on it that looks like carbon fiber. The coating provides some protection, but it would be the same level of protection if it were a different pattern like tie dye or camouflage.Anyone else notice that most of these are classified as low skill jobs and pay almost nothing.
I can say I have never seen this before now. Awesome to see they developed an easier way to get things done.Dude this man's heart is made of steel. I have been on a boom lift and the highest I got was around 80 feet, the basket was bouncing like there is an earthquake. And you get the gut pain as if you are about to fall everytime the basket bounce a little hard. Its insane that he can do this so calmly.My grandma says to tell you that you run that thing like a woman.