Are you using a vacuum to collect the bees?Im loving how you interact with the queens.I wish I had a beehive like that under my house. I could split it in to 7 more hives.What happens with all the extra queens you catch? A colony can only have one, right? So what do you do with the others?Nice to see a big beautiful thriving hive like that one. Glad you gave them an even better home..
Another beautiful restoration. I particularly like the fact that you honor the history and heritage of the items you restore. As to adding music or narration, I vote no. The videos are excellent as they are. Your onscreen narration is excellent. Your editing and visual pacing are improving with each video. The beer tasting and rating are bonuses. Thanks for sharing your talents with the rest of the world.
For people who think they are true offroaders, watch this and you will come out of ur dreams.Can you imagine, one of these guy's, with a brand new KTM. In an enduro race, without the logs. Hog heaven.These guys are eking out a living. there is no western country that didn't devastate there own natural lands, we can only hope they can save enough for the wildlife to live.
Thank you for putting wilhelm gustloff in 1st since most people today do not even know that the wilhwlm gustloff disaster was the nr 1 deadliest marytime disaster in history because of the simple reason that it would make the allies look bad. sothank you for doing that.There's something a bit sad seeing these ships make their last voyage.The final horn the ships blow is kinna sad. Their journey has come to an end.
I wish my barman would fill my beer glass as full as those lorries.If only those trucks were loaded few more tons more that would have helped them stay more stable.Coincidentally, most of these trucks involved in accidents are Chinese, exceeding their load capacity, being dangerous and unsafe.I think these tricks to upload truck is very economical, no need of labours and machines
I hope he doesn't accidently cut his rope that's holding him up. He's doing a great job. I don't see any feminists trying to close the wage gap by climbing a tree.It is the destructive scenery. Don't show this picture. The environment is under severe pollution due to massive cut down the trees and forests for massive profits of multimillion ers. Stopping the cut down trees and forests.It's okay if they are trees that you plant yourself or if they are companies that only take advantage of the natural resources of third world countries.
Oh God, protect my father, the DAMRI bus driver in Lampung who goes back and forth between Jakarta and Lampung every day.You don't need to be yelled at because your ears hurt when you yell, it's enough to just give information.Always the land mode pilots in remembering the Almighty.Independence has been almost 80 years. A direct bridge connecting Bakauheni and Merak should be built.
Back to back, Chain on and pull him out, Why all the time wasting?I'd be so pissed off if they spent 30 minutes moving dirt instead of getting a chain and d ring and pulling me out.Well I've been a dozer operator for 25 years and I absolutely have no clue what the hell they are doing it makes no sense at all, whoever is in charge of this circus needs to be replaced ASAP
And there are people that can’t even parallel park a small car!Not a big deal, the ship actually never moved, the earth rotated under it. like how its just gently pushed up against the side.Imagine if the two men stopped it with their bare hands?Awesome seamanship. To put it that gently into dock in that wind, pretty dam smooth.Amazing to actually watch that kind of skills. Perfect!
I can’t wait to watch this in real time! My modular is coming the end of this month! I’m beyond excited!!!That was crazy to watch. These builder are definitely expert at what they do.Beautiful home but workers on the roof have no safety harness to prevent them from falling.I'm convinced that modular home construction in factory is Superior to on site builds.