What easy, yet precise movements. Your profession requires a creative approach. When you see the final result, you immediately understand that the work is not in vain. Where do you get ideas for such elegant works? Some masters admit that the beauty of nature is inimitable. After all, skill and creative imagination are noticeable not only in what is created by human hands. They can be found in the nature around us. "A true work of art is only a weak shadow of divine perfection," Michelangelo admitted. How wonderful that every day we observe a huge variety of amazing creations of God that inspire us to create!
I'll be thinking of these hard workers every time i go to my kitchen sink, open the faucet and get a glass of cool clear refreshing water....respect.Take a long look, ladies. Those three badasses are what we call "men." They don't get hung up by pronouns or their precious little fee fees. Instead of wasting time and emotional energy on nonsense, they actually get things done. Mad respect to those guys.
If you take this many fish out of the water every week and you do this with 100 or more ships, it will not take long before there will not be any fish left to catch.People still havent figured out how much better videos are without free to use music.If they keep that up, it won't be long before they catch nothing.A long time ago, when I watched your video again, I remembered the time I was involved in sea fishing.
Forget watching celebrities or athletes, don't give a damn about pop stars or useless rappers. Let's celebrate the guys like this with real skill that actually make the world run.This excavator operator should start his own Youtube channel. He could make thousands a month just showing himself doing his job.Back in the day It used to take 15 - 30 minutes just to attach a backhoe bucket and hammering large pins out and back in, also having to align the holes just right for the pins. This guy is not only a very good operator, but technology is amazing for sure, allowing you to change out the buckets and attachments
The careful selection of the input materials to give them the exact formulation they were targeting is impressive!The safety standards for the employees and the quality measures in place for the product set a new standard.Nobody was hurt or injured in the making of this video. Yesterday we had 4 fatalities, 6 amputations, and 20 3rd degree burns to the face though.
Beautiful work, perfect fit, and clearly explained! Congratulations!this tip is very good!! This pencil method makes it easy to mark the cuts, I'm a tiler here in Brazil, congratulations on your work .I've seen this before and done it myself in a different setting, but this was very well done. Nice job.Using small angle grinder with diamond tipped cutter is useful for curves, shaving edges, notches in tiles.
They did everything normally, without rushing! Carefully and correctly. And the armchair experts who say that it was possible to unload and push with one excavator, so it is not safe! Rather, it will push you off the couch this way. You always need support from the side, the soil is loose, the front wheel cuts the earth.What do you want from the natives? They can come here either on purpose. Or because they don't know how to drive. They didn't teach you to look in the mirrors.
I take this moment to give thanks & respect to the hard working people of the world who make the world what it is. Some build & produce by their back & their sweat. The real heroes of the world.Even with the current dip in cryptocurrency, I’m still glad I can smile back at my portfolio of $105,850 built from my weekly trade, I’m having my fourth withdrawal in 10 business days.While they all look cool lots of them look pretty dangerous especially given that many weren't using the generally accepted personal protective equipment!
Definitely a lot of uneducated comments here. Most of the processes here is used for plantation forestry. What you see here is scrub lands being transformed into forests. What is being removed before planting has little benefit both economically or environmentally compared to what a full forest can provide. Wood is the ultimate renewable resource; it stores carbon for life and a plantation forest is like a carbon filter on steroids, as the process is repeated and renewed ever 20-30 years. The timber trees produce end up in our homes which is a lot more beneficial for the environment than building a structure from steel and concrete.
A friend's husband was cut in half when a cable that was being used to pull a bull dozer out of a ditch by another bull dozer broke. It is not smart to stand close to a cable under that much tension.I have been in the towing and recovery for over 50 years and have had some close calls broke chains and cables always put your hooks in with the opening up that way if it brakes it will go to the ground if the hook is down it will go wild and you will get hurt or worse