I've been making fireworks for 20 years and how they produced fireworks is terrifying. The lack of safety is just waiting for a accident.At first I thought they were making grenades.That's a risky and dangerous job, but it's fascinating to see how fireworks are made.You gotta respect the high level of safety and quality control inspections.So many opportunities for a spark . It’s amazing they’ve lived this long.
Respect !!! The Original Bushcraft. No supply chain issues, just hard work and creativity.Love his attention to detail, a capable young man! Respect!I don't care if it's done by 100 people or one person. I like his works and we get nice ideas by seen these type of videos. Keep it going buddy.I'd love to hire this young man to make my property a magical place to have.. his skills are just mad incredible!
Good work, but in the long run, that rod will break suddenly. So, set a safety belt also. Then it will be perfect.Wow, looks just like the climbing tree stands we hunters have used for the past 30+ years. Next, you should "invent" the full body harness and prusik hitch climbing ropes we use in case of equipment failure. Oh, and then "invent" a Strain Relief Safety strap to use in case the bottom half slips or is dropped
I like how he clearly takes pride in his workmanship. Those are the best workers.You're by far the best Tiler I've ever seen in my life, kudos to you.. That house is amazing.Every time this dude pulls out a measuring device and/or comes back with the tile, his stance resembles that of a samurai pulling out his sword, lol. Dudes got skills for sure.Dude your very skilled. Love to see people become artists at what they do and not just slap it together to make a buck. Take pride in your work people, like this man right here. It gives you way more satisfaction in life trust me!
Having keenly watched the game,I can tell that one of the very few down sides or flaws about the game is the fact that a player can decide to increase the chances of a person exiting the game by throwing or pushing the rod in a direction which makes it difficult to be caught or grasped by the player who takes over his spot whenever there's a shift in position,other than that,it's an interesting game.
Nice to see news of someone living instead of dying.Not to be mean, but he sure took his time while the firefighters were bearing the intense heat of those flames close by! Glad he made it and Thank you firefighters!He's lucky he got out before the hydraulic lines gave way, which is all that was holding him up there!I hope he bought the insurance for the rental.
It is heart touching to see such hardworking people, doing this tough job in extreme heat , without any safety gadgets.I hope all their wares stay in constant demand, they get plenty of work and earn a good, decent amount for their families and for themselves !The really big pot is what im asking about . Thank you
Very nice video .Thank you boss.Stop overloading your trucks and you wouldn't have that problem with them tipping over.I am in awe of how easily these machines can move tons of earth.Astounding! Those heavy machines redefine the meaning of strength.And they just keep overloading them. Glad theres regulations in my country.Overloading is the best way to get a new truck or redo a day's work.
Nice video on loading and unloading cargo. I still don't know what it's like to live and sail on one of these ships.This video is very good. But this lady has one of the best voices I've ever heard and the clearest and cleanest accents I've heard.Thank for you for using internationally understood metric units!Driving cars onto a ship all day sounds like a lot more fun than my current job.
News just in: Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov denies South Korean claims Russian ship responsible for damage. Accuses bridge of ramming ship. Blames Ukraine for clear provocation. Then announces annexation of Korean coast.This structure reinforcement for this road bridge should be used as precedent study to design the new Francis Scott Key Bridge.Watch the wash change from the propeller going into reverse. Looks like they had only just noticed the ship was not going to fit as this video started.