As someone who took an extremely unsuccessful screenprinting class, you absolutely CAN mess a shirt up when screen printing.An experienced screenprinter would be able to feel its thicker. But the regular consumer wouldnt know forsure aha.You can absolutely mess up a shirt screen printing.I actually like the first color for some reason lol it's sort of calming brown. Like nature or moss.
The glass stays in the top to help keep the metals from oxidation.It’s crazy how much talent there is in this world.All the stuff you put in the crucible looks delicious.That golden 8 ball is so beautiful!That is absolutely incredible. Nearly the most beautiful 8 ball I've ever seen. Nearly.Love the salt and ice added to it before melting, makes sure it’s well seasoned and doesn’t get too hot, 10/10 video
I have 40 years riding bikes, this guy makes me quit right now, this guy's skills are amazing, I would have rolled over to the bottom a long time ago, I noticed he has the 1st gear engaged and uses it as a brake because he can't use the rear brake because he needs his two feet in the floor, this guy is on the level, beyond the level.Wow that is nuts. I’m an experienced motorcyclist and off roader and I would not want to be doing that even on a good bike by myself. And he seems so nonchalant about it!
Dennis is an absolute boss. People like him make the world work.Like they said "High risk,high reward", shout-out to these truckers and the guides.Watching documentary about life on harsh environments is more valuable than paying and watching movies in theatre.I can't even imagine if I was part of the team traveling that far with a freezing temperature. Thank you for the effort of this documentary!
I had this exact problem on my old Bobcat x325, would run fine for 15 mins or so then cut out. Blew through with air and i'd get it back for a while but always stopped again after 10 mins or so. If i let it sit 24 hrs it would run for 15 mins again. There was a gauze on the fuel pickup in the tank that was completely clogged with gummy resin. I removed the tank and cleaned it out, cleaned the pickup gauze and put it all back in. No problems since then and it's been a good 5 years or more now. I got that machine cheap and i'm guessing it's because the previous owner got fed up with it stopping and didn't know what was wrong.
Don't forget the skilled operators who through training and hard work make I look great!Remember going into the steel mills when you cross the bridge in Pittsburgh Down Under the Bridge the steel mill you could feel the heat rising up off of the big plates.It's called hot plate rolling. Purpose is to make high pressure unfired or fired pressure vessels for thoil n gas and petrochemical complexes.Hot work is extremely discomforting.
Nest! If the tree is pulled in one piece, it probably won't work because besides being very heavy, there is also the possibility that there are still some in the ground. So it is very heavy. In order to be pulled, the tree trunk should be cut into several pieces and done one by one. Hopefully my advice can be useful. Thank you.This tree is valuable, chain shaw can reduce 80% expenditure, why not shaw used.
At the start I was thinking “where are those concrete barriers they put there to stop traffic?” one and a half minutes in “oh, there they are.”There's a reason why in Australia they say if it's flooded forget it.. underwater obstacles & damaged roads are real..As someone who has pulled all sorts of trailers with all sorts of trucks in ice, snow, mud, gravel, etc., that tractor was crazy impressive. A trailer is such an anchor.
I'm from America,I have worn many hats in my life, machinist,welder,auto mechanic, plastics blow molding technician, electrical, plumbing and other construction techniques,I must say what these men accomplish with the tools they have at hand and sometimes just good old psychical labor is amazing to watch!!Sixty five years ago I served my time in a machine shop with ex W D lathes, shapers, milling machines etc. Manual chain hoists over the machines.. Steel rules, calipers and micrometers borrowed. Engineers blue and a scraper for lapping in. Like these guys we got the job done. Happy days and hard work.
I've done electrical controls for 20+ years. I've had my hands in hot power. I've worked on equipment that had to be repaired while running. I've repaired 500 ton overhead cranes. I was even head electrician on a tunnel boring machine powered by 13,600 volts. Ive watched high voltage jump 18" through thin air to discharge at a ground short. Never would I ever consider doing this man's job. I read a comment asking the question "how does that helicopter lift that guy's balls?".......... That is the real question here!!