Always enjoy the guys giving hand signals, as if the urgency of their gestures would help accomplish something.In the hands of skilled farmers, agriculture machines become instruments of precision, conducting the symphony of a bountiful harvest.When your rim is spinning inside your track, that can't be good.We farmed the same piece of ground for 30 years and found all the holes and springs the first year and got stuck once it twice. We left those spots lie ( did not till )the next guy came in with big ass tractors and got stuck several times a year and repeated that every year for the next 10.When they went belly up the owner wanted us back. We said no because the ground was trashed and the sink holes worse.
What if they were both Killdozers with the chain, driving through town destroying all the corrupt government stuff.We did this in Canada back in the 1980s, it was used for reclamation of previously logged areas. In the middle of the cables we had a steel ball maybe 3 meter wide and filled it with water. This was an effort to keep the cables from climbing up and over the remaining standing trees. Once all the trees were down, new once were planted. You go there today and it’s a whole new forest.“ Forests are often located in areas that are well suited to farming “. That’s some statement !
After watching alot of these types of videos it seems they need a more powerful tigercat.Hello boss if I get this car on my country Ghana BMW if I get this car they will put me for King I love it.There was someone inside the BMW whom the excavator driver hated.I feel like having Hyundai also same asbthis than luxes.The crazy thing here is that BMW is stupid. as much of a fan as I am they are dumb. cars that are recalled etc should be stripped of their parts except of course for the area that's recalled. BMW enthusiast would have a field day with all of those extra parts. look at the wheels on this suv, they are in super great condition.
That took tremendous skill and courage to climb that tower... I've operated these machines.Hats off to all these skilled operators!The pole climb is awesome. The other stuff is definitely something an operator can handle.Master of not destroying the tracks on that machine.. it honestly is art.. beautifully done.Call me crazy but how strong the tower itself is amazing to me
In the lowest gear, a semi tractor is easily pushing 30,000+ ftlb at the drive axels. The dozen people with the rope are doing literally nothing, and just a huge safety risk.One guy slips and falls and that truck is on top of you there’s no way he can see the guy directly in front.Iron & steel creaking groaning.. cant imagine the strain put through the trucks.A group of people are allegedly pulling a 50-ton vehicle. Nonsense.
If your mind ever wonders why we need 10 fingers when 4 are enough... these machines may be for you.The work safety inspector has left the chat.Those "auger" type splitters don't seem terribly efficient or useful. And they seem incredibly dangerous. If the guy at 2:55 got his pant leg caught in that thing he'd get wrapped around that thing like a strand of spaghetti.I had to count my finger after merely watching this. Don't try this at home, kids.
By unique, you mean this is how every farmer has done it in the last 50 years.Shout out to the guy operating the drone. Excellent view of how this works.It's amazing how hard and dmart the farmers work . When I was a teen part of the family had a cattle ranch in Colorado. I wish I could have been there at harvest time. The young kids drive the tractors and the semi trucks for harvest but still cant get yhe drivers lic till they get older.It’s called team work. Good job guys on your coordination.
You can hear the other chickens in the background going"THEY GOT JERRY!"That is sick, in a good way. You know how time consuming it is to pluck a chicken perfectly clean, brilliant!It was dead. This is where meat truly comes from and should come from. From a farm, from your own backyard, Raised with love, killed with respect, and eaten for full stomaches.Many things ran through my mind when I saw this. One, the chicken looked like it was running. Two, absolutely amazing. Three, I could hear a justifiable sense of pride in the mans voice.
This is what happens when people don't know what they are doing. I've worked in construction 30 years and never had anything like this happen. Know how much the load weighs. Use rigging rated for whatever your lifting. I always used rigging rated much higher than the load we were lifting. Use tag lines. You don't want to lift something 15 story's in the air over people on the ground and take a chance of the rigging breaking. We always used red danger tape to tape off the lifting area and posted people around the lifting area to make sure no one went through the red tape. You definitely want a qualified crane operator that knows the lifting capacity of the crane. You also want the person doing the rigging know what they are doing.
Road is broad over all it's also power steering..we here in manipur in india we are still using German that was used in 2nd world war by german army when power steering was nor invented and road is more steep ,well appreciated however let me try uploading some video of our dangerous trip in some wild forest timber business in manipur located in northeast India If you like.The skill it takes to operate a wood logging truck is awesome