I wrestled two crocs once. Finally got them on my feet and walked out the door.Imagine taking a swim and that pops up a few inches from your face. I can imagine the terror felt by the first human being who encountered the very first monster crocodile while swimming...and got eaten.Matts the coolest real man out there gentle to and caring to beasts god bless this man he treats them with respect and and never lets them get hurt god will bless him even more in his life
I do liked the smart glass idea always wanted a pair myself.Myself even lived in Silicon Vally for years the many videos I have seen over the years like this and I don't think I have seen one of the hundreds of the so-called AMAZING INVENTIONS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE in person or known someone who has. WHAT GIVES ?These innovations really are revolutionary! Every one of them has the power to profoundly and in incredible ways affect everyday life.
I really missed you when you were not making videos. The other channels that do this don’t understand relaxing music. Thank you for the long one. I need these for my daily blood pressure checks.1 person swimming with a bunch of shark didnt relax me actually had me worried ,the rest along with the music did , this is good for someone like me who suffeers feom anxiety attacks ,I often watch vids like this to distract my mind so I can get out of my head.
Love of nature and love of trees is easy to say... and much more exciting to express and express... because the endangered coconut tree is not in our backyard and paddy field...The course of the wind, the calculated cutting, and above all, the skill of the work done... bow down, brother.A person is a genius, a phenomenon.A teng murikan 5 minat oru has a disguise to remember to burn coconut
Those who think that China is about rice and China ... they must have lived under a rock. China is inventing. Creating . Chinese put the progress ahead of money. Every video we watch shows a different , beautiful, INNOVATIVE CHINA TO BE PROUD OF. Despite all the progress and modern technologies being in use. The Chinese calmly go about their days and let the modern structures speak for themselves . If I was given the power to choose one nation to REDO THE WORLD... only one nation I will trust and strongly trust and believe they would build a better world it’s ... CHINA
Never get tired of watching this guy. Too good!Every year this guy steals an airplane, he must have his licence already.serious yaw control on that plane. amazing pilot kyle is.Man, it is amazing! I am so in awe I feel like dropping everything and becoming his apprentice...Nah, he'll reject me... I cannot even land/take off in my C170 straight or reliably...Great stuff!I never tire of watching videos of this guy. He literally is dancing with his plane!
They could've saved the red seats.Damn they must be very wealthy to just crush it, even if it’s broken the headlights alone are worth so much smh.Man that excavator looked better than the BMW...There was someone inside the BMW whom the excavator driver hated.This is the most horrible thing I have seen in 3 years. WHO DID THIS?After watching alot of these types of videos it seems they need a more powerful tigercat
I take this moment to give thanks & respect to the hard working people of the world who make the world what it is. Some build & produce by their back & their sweat. The real heroes of the world.It took dedication, time, and hard work to master doing a task like they are. Man, i almost cried when i see workers carrying those bricks. Hope they stay healthy to work for their family. Respect
What we know is that the Mansion over the Hilltop can also be located on the earthquake proof structure. The costs of preservation from one generation to another generation is not overwhelming, as many were overwhelmed with the equivalent and equivalance. Preserved.Not really. Our "new" house was moved onto this site and a new foundation after the old (1904) house was removed. Some of the drywall had to be fixed but it cost me over 100K less doing it this way than buying a similar house 2 blocks away.
Pfff they must be exhausted after using so much energy on those stairs. Hope they were able to nourish themselves well.To push it over your limits all you need is certain level of stress.Imagine the mom jumped right back down the stairs after that.Imagine seeing humans jump double their height up giant steps like the ducklings are doing!Mom is putting them through a boot camp training session.