The gap between the ecobabbular subtitles and the brutal ripping apart of mountains by vast machines of great power is comic, for those with a sense of irony.Many memories. When I was a child my father built roads with this technique in the Alps in Italy. I have spent my life repairing the landslides caused by this construction technique, building walls, reinforced earth, gabions and drainage where they had dug with this military technique.Awesome. I love the civilization that men like James Watt and other Europeans built.
I’m as concerned as anyone else about our seabeds and marine life, as well as sustainable fishing. But a lot of folks here are jumping to conclusions.Scallops generally live in large clusters deep on the sandy ocean floor, far from coral reefs (which are generally in shallow waters) and many of the life forms you’re familiar with such as sponge, urchins, and most types of fish. Most things that get caught in dredger nets besides scallops are starfish and rocks, which fishermen are often required by law to toss back into the ocean along with underdeveloped and undersized scallops to promote sustainable fishing. There are also limits to how many scallops each vessel can take in yearly, called quotas, and selling small or undersized scallops can result in fines since it diminishes their numbers.

It’s relatively rare for anything other than scallops, starfish, rocks, and the occasional clam or crab to get caught in the nets. And, as I stated, the fishermen are required to return them to the ocean. This is a very heavily regulated industry. Do also keep in mind that a single scallop can produce over 200,000,000 eggs in its lifetime, and many are hermaphroditic and can switch between male and female. As such, their reproduction rate is quite high, and eggs are far too small to get caught in the dredger nets.
The careful selection of the input materials to give them the exact formulation they were targeting is impressive!Nobody was hurt or injured in the making of this video. Yesterday we had 4 fatalities, 6 amputations, and 20 3rd degree burns to the face though.The safety standards for the employees and the quality measures in place for the product set a new standard.Whole new definition of mild steel.
By far one of the best geology lesson videos yet. Absolutely appreciate the fact that you actually go out in the field to demonstrate and give examples, and include history instead of just sitting behind a camera trying to explain with silly little drawings. Truely one of a kind, we're very fortunate. Thank you for all your work, teachings and bringing like minded people together. Awesome video!I totally agree with you Jeff, always look for a gold mining district where gold has already been found that not already claimed up
I like how you provide alternate methods and explain why you're doing things. The "why" is much more interesting than the "what".Your step by step is unmatched! YouTube should use your videos as the example for other DIY channels because this made me think I could build anything. Great content and beautiful family. Brilliant - a stylish design that is also simple to make. As for making cushions I suspect you will be very good at it. Please keep these lovely ideas coming.
People from Kerala watching this now.look at the excitement of these little puppies with the construction of this dam!!!!!!!!!!!It's the hydraulic jump and the dogs walking across that made it for me. Well done.This man is helping the community! Animals can safely cross over the small rivers he does this on and it won't overflow! truly a job well done.
I honestly thought this was a joke video at first. The Mayans didn't live in Africa. They were a Central American culture. And caco beans came from the Amazon Rainforest in South America. A quick google search shows they were first domesticated around 5,300 years ago before being introduced in Central America by the Olmecs around 4,000 years ago. The Maya did use it but they had nothing to do with it being grown in Africa. It was much later that the Spanyards took it to Africa where much of the crop is grown today.
I love how with the first one, their goal was to "reduce our dependence on screens" or whatever. So their solution? Literally put screens directly on your eyeball.A HUGE NO to the computer contacts on my eyes! We went on a trip using our gps system Thursday with the weather the getting the coldest it's been in years ..and our gps went crazy! It had us driving out in the water...crossing roads and we weren't even ON A ROAD! It was totally bazaar! Thankfully we had an atlas in the car that we could refer to since the GPS was totally UNRELIABLE in the weather! SMH We did however get some good laughs at it! Lucky we have a good sense of humor!
I imagine what it feels inside, it give me chills.Folks, am i glad to be lying on the couch. Greetings from Germany.There's nothing better than being terrified and having fun at the same time.Those birds know what’s up!So it just dives in the water to catch fish. Thats amazing.It is absolutely amazing how this guy is holding the camera so stable!! Great job!!
Snake anatomy is incredible.Egg prices have inflated the snake.What's truly amazing is how animals can tell that eggs are a source of food in general and are full of vitamins and protein.When you think you can carry all your shopping bags into the house in one trip.Incredibly sighting, the Lapwing parent's attempt to save their egg was futile the snake has a monster appetite & eggs is one of their favourite foods