That khinkali robot also ignored all the flies in the dough perfectly!Well, once all humans are replaced by machines, who's going to have money to buy food?Those flies made me sick by just watching that dough.Sure are a lot of people present in this video that says people will be obsolete!These types of videos make me already realize humans can really make a better Alfred Nobel realized sadly...we will always find a way to turn these innovations into works that will efficiently oppress most of humanity in favor of the few...always.
Forget watching celebrities or athletes, don't give a damn about pop stars or useless rappers. Let's celebrate the guys like this with real skill that actually make the world run.Back in the day It used to take 15 - 30 minutes just to attach a backhoe bucket and hammering large pins out and back in, also having to align the holes just right for the pins. This guy is not only a very good operator, but technology is amazing for sure, allowing you to change out the buckets and attachments
Coast guard, rescue swimmers, rescue pilots. Mad respect to them all.The guy was rescued. They did find out later that the guy was wanted. He was caught & is now in jail. It was the young man's first rescue out of training. Great job!I don't know how anybody has the guts to work for the Coast Guard. Truly amazing people.Those rescue swimmers are some of the toughest people on earth!
Amazing amount of water let go. Glad you had help on this big dam. Thanks for sharing.Nice! Thanks for showing this completely different & powerful type of removal, but I still prefer watching your handiwork.You need a long reach for some of the dams you tear out. Machine makes it easier and faster. But i still like watching you do your work.Nice to see someone smart enough to start at the far side first and then work back the way the arm actually works best and the long arm is a great idea
The water is flowing left to right, not static. Which means they need to put in a culvert to allow the water to pass under the road.Just where is the pipe work to let the water pass under the road way it will just get wasted away in heavy rain.I’m glad they showed full crossing with fill to other shore ! Usually they end the fill short of full crossing to other shore !This site has been heavily excavated previously. Water is moving because it is being displaced by road fill. The road is probably for access to more ground they can remove fill dirt from.
I always get a kick out of guys that think their pickup trucks are capable of super duty work - at least until they get the repair bill for the damage they caused.The only thing he had to do was go around the mud to avoid being stuck in the mud.Time to dig it out and lay down some crushed rock and roll it out.The video that starts around the 6 minute mark is insane. That thing is a monster
Beats me how these countries get anything done, constant accidents and Mangled Machinery. It must cost them millions. They don't seem to do well with Cranes though.The important part hopefully no one was injured or killed. It looks like most of these machines have been driven and worked past there limits.And now you know why tech support shouldn't drive anything
In Africa the captain goes down with the tractor.Pulled by a cable; engine not running. But still, get her done.The engine of the tractor isn't run and an other guy with tractor from the other side pulls with cadle.That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen.Dunno the meaning puta in your country but here it means something bad is gonna happen and in this case something bad happened
Some guys in our area (North Central Montana) have started hanging a 200-400 gallon water tank under the right front corner of their grain cart, with a hose reel and a hydraulic powered water pump. It's always in the field, always has an operator, and is one of the fastest things in the field. Everyone has water trucks, but they are usually unmanned and sitting at the end of the field, so take longer to get to the fire.We had a problem with Fire in Australia, Queensland and NSW during the Harvest and it was imperative to make sure that the header and the combine were kept clean and clear at all times. The idea of a water tank attatched to the Combine is a great one, one that we should consider.
My dad was coming off of the bridge and onto the ramp to Minneapolis when he heard a loud crash, pulled over, and got out to see the bridge he was literally just on about a minute before was gone. Me, my sister and my mom were on that bridge 2 days before as well. Ever since then, my mom is frightened and scared out of her mind to go on any bridge, except the new 35W bridge.No money for bridges but plenty for war. Just appalling.