Best part of this job?? After 8 hours of this a day, you dont need to go to the gym....!!!!I hope everyone grateful for these ppl because you'd have to kill me b4i would work this hard.My grand was a wire drawer. It was his job to draw the out to the right gauge. He help to make the rope for the first Forth Road Bridge.Very hard job, which requires great hand-skill and dedication. Great technicians !
Thats really fascinating, but I wouldn't mind if the video wasn't that short.Someday future archaeologists will be digging there and find the blackened remains of the truck and be like "WTF is this?" and celebrate like we do today when we find an arrow head.Science is about truth. Religion is about control and satisfying a need without having to would suck if you were in that truck only to find the door and window handles missing and the battery dead.
Forgotten skills performed by an incredible group of highly skilled folks! Indeed!From my experience ive noticed around here anyway that Guys doing this come from a family of craftsman that have grown up learning and working with their families learning a valuable trade that many times they keep within the family.The wood is cut into layers, steamed to make it more flexible. Glued together. Then bent while glue is still wet. Bent to shape on jig. Let dry. Time an patience
I used to transport templates to a location and then deliver the finished countertop to the customer on an A-frame. The sight of the marble in the racks, awaiting transformation, was truly captivating. The process, though challenging, is often overlooked by most, but the intricacies involved are beyond belief. Crafting these countertops requires an incredible amount of skill and effort, turning raw materials into exquisite pieces that grace homes.
So clever to spray the rich ditch mud on the field.The scraper scraping the grass from the roadside was quite pleasing to watch for some reason.The precision work on those heavy equipment are fantastic and all those great top soil is right on that ditch!!! awesome machines!!!Anyone else notice the complete lack of litter. Try this on uk verges and you get shattered glass and tin cans everywhere.In the US the envronuts would be to worry that a Frog may get some silt on him after maintaining the ditches
When they added the flashing signs, lights and sensors I thought it was the end of this channel.When they (at huge expense) raised the whole damn bridge I thought it was the end of this channel.Yet here I am in 2024 witnessing a fresh bridge feeding.Whoever has the job of painting that yellow bar has job security for life!!!!If only there were a camera on the opposite side zoomed in a bit to show the reactions of the drivers. Would be priceless.
I’m Italian and this happened in the city of Bologna, a man died (the truck’s driver) and 70 people were injured. The explosion made a hole on the bridge. Horrible explosion.I feel sad when someone dies while they're just doing their daily job. Just going about your day as normal not realising it's your last moments.I drive a fuel truck in the USA. We are so short-handed, that we frequently pull 70-hrs/week, which is the federal maximum allowed. So remember this when you drive next to fuel trucks - the driver might be close to his 70 hour max, is dead tired, and just looking forward to going home -- so please give him extra room! I can't even believe how some car drivers behave... as if they have a "suicide-by-fuel-truck" wish. Or as if the road is their own personal race track.
That is what I call a magnificent job done by a brilliant engineer.. Excellent and Good Job. My parents said I would never make it as a column, but here I am, 20 years later, the key structural component of a small parking garage, still holding strong!Next time you make something with bricks, wet them. Helps with adhesion and allows the mortar to set properly without the dry brick sucking up the moisture form it. As an idea, you want your brick inside one of those buckets of water until you don't see air bubbles escaping anymore. Keep in mind that this also means you have to leave the wall to dry for a while until it's ready to receive mortar (for the face of the wall).
This video is truly impressive! The skills required to operate oversized trucks and heavy equipment are remarkable, demanding a high level of precision and patience. I can't believe the tight coordination between humans and machines to move such massive objects. What I’m curious about is: How do these drivers maintain such intense focus over long periods in such complex conditions?Incredible to see these massive machines in action—truly engineering marvels!
When he said "start..start whoever.. everybody". He couldn't even find the words for what he was feeling and I felt that too.Been crossing this bridge for 30 years. Probably done it 500 times. It's a huge structure and to see it just crumbled like this is astonishing.What's incredible is the fact that this happened at such a late time. Thank God it wasn't the middle of a busy day.It shakes me that my son was just on this bridge the day before. Prayers to the families of lost ones.