This is just tragic. My family that lives in LA barely escaped the flames. My aunt’s house is still standing but all her neighbors homes burned down. Only three houses on that street were spared and her’s was one of them. Extremely lucky.Watching this made me very sad. May God keep everyone in LA safe who is impacted by this kind of tragedy.My heart goes out for the people who lost their homes filled with memories.
As a dedicated player of world of tanks, it makes me happy to know some of the money I put into the game goes back into restoring real tanks like this. Good work to everyone involved.These young men are fun to watch as they work their way through getting old armor pieces restored and working. Their channel on YouTube is one of my must watch channels. They are actually very entertaining to watch in their inter-personal relationships. You can tell they are all good friends doing something they love. Well done lads.
I've been making fireworks for 20 years and how they produced fireworks is terrifying. The lack of safety is just waiting for a accident.At first I thought they were making grenades.You gotta respect the high level of safety and quality control inspections.Looks like a good group of dudes making an honest living. May God bless these guys.This is what the airport thinks im gonna do with my water bottle.
Respect !!! The Original Bushcraft. No supply chain issues, just hard work and creativity.Love his attention to detail, a capable young man! Respect!I'd love to hire this young man to make my property a magical place to have.. his skills are just mad incredible!WOW! I am highly impressed!!!!! This young man has awesome skills and talent! Good job!
I love most of your products they became my new drug after I stopped being crazy on drugs. I got my life together detailing cars.I used to have a red car and didn't worry too much about hand washing the car. Just run it through the quick car washes. Just recently got a black car and oh man, my world swapped around. Bought this exact kit and i am LOVING the results. Never knew i could hand wash a car so beautifully!Been using y’all product to detail my exterior of my car. Got to say I love the stuff. Affordable, easy to use and actually works.
I was born during the "Great Depression" and I remember going to the local large bakery, named "Gorman's" Bakery and they would make loaf, after loaf, of sliced bread to take to the grocery store, for sale, and they would sell day old bread for 10 cents. Fantastic, and so appreciated.I love breads can't get tired of it. The video is educative thanks for sharing.Thanks for sharing different German dialects! You made it very good with your diligence to present all those dialects as much as possible to its reality. We have fun listening to all these dialects. It's a cultural treasure of special folk ancient languages & their dialects. We appreciate your efforts! Well done!
Love to watch people who do their job so well it becomes a work of art. Incredible!It's gratifying to see craftsmen care about what they do.Impressive. Ingenious. These people are artists, masters of their crafts. I'm seriously in awe. Kids should be shown videos like this in schools, as a reminder that there is still interesting and necessary work to be done outside of a computer.
The sheer power of hydraulics never fail to amaze me.This sort of machinery makes me proud of humanity and its capabilities and accomplishments.From my childhood journey i loved all these heavy equipment and in my childhood i received a toy like this and i really loved with that toy till now.From my childhood days and till now I’ve always loved these heavy equipments!!
You are lucky to have a video record of your dad working and his craft. Amazing.Wow! That’s fantastic. I love how he has a cup of tea at the end. Great job, Dad!Wonderful and talented person. It took so much hard work, but he did it patiently. Such a beautiful aquarium and fish. God bless him.Wow the really good you are one of the best I have seen will always watch your videos you are blessed with talent.
Few things wrong that is a skidsteer not an excavator that is a shaver not a grinder which are nice in residential areas bc they spin at much lower rpm so almost no chance of flying debris hitting near by houses and such and last you don't really want to run that into the ground it will dull the blades much faster.Big difference between Grinding down a stump and removing a stump.