Absolut insanity to drive this absolutely underpowered and overloaded truck on those steep mountain roads! Here in Germany that would be illegal!Instead of trying to go around the inside of the corner, which is a lot steeper, why isn't the driver trying to stay to the outside of the corner, where it is a more gradual climb? Another point: the tandem group at the back is acting like a brake on the forward movement of the truck. The truck also needs to have lower gearing in the diffs and a overdrive joey box behind the main gear box. That will give the truck the ability to climb walls while keeping up with the highway speeds.
The captain stopped instead of taking off, had he not all would be dead.Pilots do whatever they consider it's the best option on stressful situations. They are humans and commit mistakes.The Captain made the right choice to abort takeoff, there was no way he could have know about the crosswinds.If the pilots didn’t stop there would be an explosion up in the air and all would be dead also I’ve heard the story before the reason is because the tanks were leaking fuel so when the fire happened the fuel was leaking so that’s why it when into the cabin so quickly, and 1 or 2 of the emergency doors couldn’t be opened and most of them died bc of the toxic fumes.
No matter how old I get I feel like a little kid when I watch big machinery.The good thing about those tree harvesters is they leave the leaves, and bark and mulch in the forrest.So this should help the next generation, especially in a select cut scenario.WowwwwwI mean, seriously, it's mind-blowing! The precision, the finesse—whatever magic those engineers are conjuring, it's nothing short of extraordinary. Who knew efficiency could be this captivating? Astounding, truly astounding!
Great video.Being as old as I am ,before GoPro was around.I always wondered what those damn crabs were doing down there.Now I know.Thanks.That crab at the end figured it out "shit this is a bait trap were on camera! He looked so shocked.The way the crab stood on its legs to get the food.This was the best use of a Go-Pro i've ever seen. Those Flounder were like "Heyyy this is where they hide the good stuff"

3 năm trước
The biggest I ever operated was a 5.5t excavator and for me even a small excavator like that was one of the most impressive human creations I ever used. The power is simply unbelievable compared to human strength. You move masses of soil in seconds which would take days with shovels. You can rip out trees and move huge rocks like nothing. And it's so freaking easy to get a feeling for those machines. After a few minutes the excavator feels like a part of yourself.
That took tremendous skill and courage to climb that tower... I've operated these machines.Hats off to all these skilled.Master of not destroying the tracks on that machine.. it honestly is art.. beautifully done.operators!I think the beer bottles/golf ball should have been number 1 but they were all bloody awesome.All I can say is unreal those operators are very skilled
Beautiful! I hope we still have trees in my granddaughters' lifetime. (I do NOT mean any dig at woodworking--I have worked professionally and built amateur items, too.) It's only cattle ranchers that shoot people when they stop them bulldozing the Amazon (or anywhere else) that worry me. Every cow drinks 30 gallons freshwater each day. I want that water to drink, and to water plants that we need to survive.Great job on this table! It looks awesome! At first I thought you were going to put epoxy in the various holes and crevices as most woodworkers always do. I was very surprised you actually cut out plugs to fill these voids. I’ve never seen that done before. It clearly takes more time, but I guess it all depends on the desired effect you want. I like the look of black epoxy on tables like this, although I don’t like epoxy river tables. However, the plugs you made look really good also.
I'm a panel beater with over 20 years in the trade. Nothing wrong with your method of repair great job. But using that air chisel without ear muffs and using a mig welder without a full welding helmet is crazy. I'm 62 years old now with hearing aids from industrial deafness. Wish someone gave me a hard time about not wearing ear muffs.Wow!!! It's rare to find such talented people who know everything about what they are doing.
This was over the top...what a massive effort to build such a small pool.. Its construction I can assume allows the structure to not have to worry about lifting out as is the case with dug re-bar reinforced gunite pools. Was this build in Iceland or something like that?There are so many negative comments on this video and I don’t understand it. It was an extraordinary amount of work because they actually put in the effort to do a good job. I would be very happy with that pool and the surrounding ground work they did.
Cameraman: “Finally my lifelong obsession with filming garbage trucks has paid off.”May be the first time I've seen "Not Clickbait" in the thumbnail, and it actually wasn't Clickbait.Yes stuff like this happens. People record us all the time. Driver also heard the pipe burst and that's why his reflexes were so fast.This trash truck is sophisticated, it picks up, it puts in the bucket and it cremates them.