The dramatic rescue jfsalo

I’ve always worked out and trained even for smaller waves. Most people think training is unnecessary. Well, maybe so. However, when the waves are this large, it’s almost a death wish if you fail to train for it. A hold down even for 15 seconds on a wave of this magnitude can just about kill you and has killed people. When your body is tweaked in ways you can’t imagine and you’re twenty feet below the takes everything you have to survive that. Dealing with cold water and a wetsuit make it that much harder. Just the mental confidence of training can mean the difference between life and death. Even your diet is a huge factor. Your Cardio better be on point. This level of surfing is just nuts. It’s not just falling on one wave that kills people. It’s the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I’d seriously pray to God before paddling out there. Anything that can go wrong, usually will.
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