How making a wooden hand cart wheel with many years of experience nghf
Everyone nowadays could cobble parts of modern vehicles but this is this fellows way of life and I think we should all compliment him for what he does and keeping another tradition alive that I sense we will need to do again someday.Thank God there are still places around the planet still teaching that we can make something from basic stuff laying around. People who think why go through such hard work to get just a wheel. It took humans a long time to get that wheel the way it is today. Jumping from the original idea to what we have today, there was so much missing out of learning that goes into making other things. Without the knowledge of how to make a wheel, we wouldn't have the other things. Its not about getting to the finish line, life has always been about the journey getting there, and hopefully with the one that you care about the most. I'm talking about love for your mate. From animal to humans, there is not a big difference between them.
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