Few people know this method,how to connect pvc pipes without connectors gfyt6yetge
Bad idea for a repair. Hours of work to repair a one dollar fitting. Broken PVC fittings are cheap, fast, and easy to replace. This takes far longer than fixing it the right way and this may still leak. I was a landscape contractor for years and did these repairs as part of my job. The only situation this makes sense is if replacement is impossible due to access, like the pipe is partly embedded in concrete, then this may be the easiest fix. This is clever but impractical. Also, this fitting has a portion gouged out forming a hole, but the fitting is not cracked. For most broken PVC fitting repairs, the fitting is cracked as well, and this will not work on a cracked fitting. This is like trying to fix a burned out light bulb by replacing the filament instead of buying a new bulb.
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