Awesome mighty bulldozer and truck building new road across forestry swamp g76gz

Back in the 1960's, while in the military, I did a considerable amount of road building across tundra areas in Alaska, very similar to what I am seeing in these videos, and yes, we did install cross drainage about every 200 yards. We used slate and dirt mixed as road base which worked well because we were building on a foundation of perma-frost, however this road is built on a foundation of mud and will continually sink. The water content is exceedingly high and the pressure exerted downward, which extends outward at a 45 degree angle on each side of the berm, which is not being compacted like the center of the road and won't contribute at all to the stability. The road will continue to sink under its own weight over time due to gravity and capillary action and will require a continuous re-surfacing with additional material just to maintain the same elevation as long as it is used. Once that maintenance ends, the swamp will eventually reclaim the area and in the wettest areas the road will sink to the original elevation quickly. Whatever this road leads to must be extremely valuable and I don't think the environment enters into the equation.
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