Awesome homemade boat alov

Grandpa spent 15 years building a 38ft sailboat in his front yard. It was huge. He bought a ferrow cement hull, raw unfit in the early 70s? late? Around there. He was a woodsman and had worked for Weyerhaeuser since the days of waterboys which he was at the age of 12. A amazing self taught man. Had headed out on a train at 11 ran away from the east coast and ended up in Southern Oregon. The boat was his passion and the woodworking of the interior was ( no words) . He used tapered shims and tapered dowls to hold the entire thing together. Just old school to the max!! Just a sight! If anyone knows where the VIDA MAE ? May? Originally out of coos Bay Oregon where's it was christened I'd value knowing!!!! Anyways just hit my rewind button and I thank you. Ps I'm a welder fitter used to work for cat and it's always great to watch great processes. Quality guy's quality product!
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