A professional skill man cutting a tall tree pxgtr

If people only knew what it's like to be up in a tree. So many things can go wrong, and it's up to you to manage it while not dying in the process. I'm glad you did a video on mistakes. Everyone makes them. It is better to be humble than ignorant.I did this type of work for 45 years and was considered one of the best in my area. I loved doing removals as each job was different. Some were easier than others, but they all required an understanding of physics, geometry, weight, and forces along with a good understanding of how various varieties of trees responded when cutting them. Some were brittle and broke away when cut into by as little as 1/3 of the diameter. Some would hold un until almost cut completely through. It was very interesting and challenging work. Thanks for posting these videos. It brings back memories. I too had some close calls and caused some damage, but those were few and not fatal or too costly.
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