Looks like a very well made product. They should be very proud of their efforts.The factory is not so modern but gets the job done.Coming to a store near you, the sale sheets. Excellent workmanship for both the men and women of this company. Thanks for sharing this video with us.Very hard work beautiful pots and pans.Love those safety jandals, they’re ideal for preventing molten metal from melting your feet off.
The wood logging truck footage was mesmerizing, thanks for sharing.Road is broad over all it's also power steering..we here in manipur in india we are still using German that was used in 2nd world war by german army when power steering was nor invented and road is more steep ,well appreciated however let me try uploading some video of our dangerous trip in some wild forest timber business in manipur located in northeast India If you like
I found this a very good short video on the subject. Almost 30 years ago I was a first year electrical apprentice, and I got an arrogant expletive filled rant from a Master Electrician, he really was, when I politely suggested he should tie the sock differently on this huge wire pull we were doing. Chewed me out in front of all the guys from local 569. Well, half way through the pull, that empty sock came flying out of the vault with great speed. I was standing way the heck away and no one got hurt thankfully, but we were there a long time half-hitching the bejeesus out of that bundle. I really enjoy the fact that pros are willing to share their craft on YT, and I am still trying to learn more at this age on tree felling, strictly for firewood purposes; I find the size of the trees people are giving me intimidating so here I am. This is a well made video from Mark here so thank you. Who was it said : "Let no one despise your youth."?Be safe out there. Stihl all the way!
Hell with the industrial fishing that sweeps the ocean life. And the life of small scale fishers along with it.All of fishes catched from sea, Factory will make to many foods because it so delicious.I know we need to eat, but at this rate of fish being depleted from the sea one day in the not so distant future there will be none left.Thanks for the fishermen risking themselves so we can enjoy fish fillets
Watching these videos always help me sleep. It allows me too dream abt doing this bcs I love camping and going out in the rain.Camping in the rain is great. Listening to the sound of rain is so relaxing.Excellent weather bro. Rain with breeze wind as if the millions of pearls coming direct from heaven.Great film, thanks! Love the sound of the rain. Guess you do too
Thank you for all the comments, guys!! It was just a small project and really tested me, but I'm hoping to make an even bigger one very soon!I like everything but the windows and door swings inward. The window sills should be on the inside with the window swinging out IMO.Mate all good but any roof plumber knows you never put screws in the flat section of trim deck roof sheets. Your roof will leak in no time.
In awe of the extreme danger and skill involved in giant red wood turning. Woodworking on a colossal lathe is truly captivating!He has done all this with nothing but his hands and a simple wood turning machine. No fancy machinery. Give him credit for that.Thanks for our ancestors whoever planting these many trees to use now.
I can see how exited y'all are, but you really should give them some time to bond and stop crowding them. The bonding process is crucial to their relationship when you interfere you are asking for trouble. Congratulations and God bless.So cute, love how you caught it all on camera. As a mother, this birth brought tears. Suckle sound was good to hear . Thank you for sharing this special moment
Shot out to the Crain operator!!! Imagine being a home owner...you record every second of this!!! Amazing!!!!!!!I love the domer/attic in this model. It adds class and added living space.Stunningly beautiful these builders are totally amazing awesome.I'm convinced that modular home construction in factory is Superior to on site builds.Needs more exterior and interior views of the finished product.
Humans are masters of destruction, aren't we? If we can create tech that can make trees grow as fast as they have been cut in this video, now that will be something to be truly proud of.They should use these in California's forests to create fire breaks and roads for firefighting equipment. It might save more trees in the long run, while generating less greenhouse gasses than controlled burns. Just an idea