The biggest I ever operated was a 5.5t excavator and for me even a small excavator like that was one of the most impressive human creations I ever used. The power is simply unbelievable compared to human strength. You move masses of soil in seconds which would take days with shovels. You can rip out trees and move huge rocks like nothing. And it's so freaking easy to get a feeling for those machines. After a few minutes the excavator feels like a part of yourself.
This lady is unbelievable. The captain and crew were fantastic. What do you expect when you're on the ocean? Blue skies and a calm sea are not guaranteed.The caption did an awesome job getting home safe! He didn't communicate because he was focused on keeping the ship afloat battling the night and bashing waves!Great job by the Captain and crew for getting everyone home safely. Rough sea weather is a chance you take when you embark on a cruise. I was on a voyage and got caught in a tropical storm off the coast of South Carolina several years ago. It was very much like the conditions they were describing. I trusted the professionals to do their job and made the best of it. Got everyone back to port safe and sound then as well.
I did a sideways wheely in my Jeep years ago. I was in a race for a parking spot. When I got done going around the curve I brought it back down on all fours and hit the emergency brake and slid sideways into the spot. Parked and got out. It took a while to find my friend that was in the back seat. He fell out when I hit a tree perfectly to go up on two wheels. The guy in the Ford walked up to me shook my hand and said anyone that can drive like that deserves the parking space. I would love to do it again now that everyone has a camera in their pockets. Oh well I no longer have that jeep. Although it was a pussy magnet.
Amazing! I can just imagine the smell of that freshly laid asphalt, love that smell.Oh man! Watching that rock spreader spreading rock I ran the front end of one and my Father drove. Then seeing the spreader putting down asphalt. I worked in the summer between grades in high school. I always thank the Lord I ain't out there now, especially when I come up on road paving jobs. But I say a prayer for whoever is out there, putting it down.
Seen this done on our local roads, didn't last 6 months and after the first bad freeze it was as bad as it ever was. If it broke up because the subsurface was unstable you just painted over the problem basically. The edges are not properly prepared and sealed so waters going to get back underneath and you have the same problem all over again.
Heavy machinery is becoming more and more amazing. I love them and the people who run them.In all fairness to have to give it to these engineers.. round of applause.Awesome machines that guarantee corporate control of all aspects of agriculture.I love hearing when guy with an American accent says meters, millimeters, etc. It's priceless, thank you!
Like they said "High risk,high reward", shout-out to these truckers and the guides.Watching documentary about life on harsh environments is more valuable than paying and watching movies in theatre.So much time, effort, patience, teamwork and dedication put into this kind of job. I'm not complaining of being tired anymore. This is a whole nother level of "a job". I have so much respect for these men. Bravo!
I love at the beginning when they are felling the tree, the one guy is dressed like a spokesman for Stihl and has all the safety gear while his buddy’s got nothing protective and looks like he was just cutting grass or something.Wow. This is the perfect example of teamwork! I am completely fascinated by watching this!That was almost hypnotic watching the machines. Wow very cool.
That’s horrifying. It’s like the terminator for trees.The good thing about those tree harvesters is they leave the leaves, and bark and mulch in the forrest.So this should help the next generation, especially in a select cut scenario.I see everyone talking about how complex and efficient these machines are, but not a lot of comments about the sheer power they have. Imagine picking up a fully grown tree like a twig in the yard.Laughing thinking about what the little ferngully creature would think
I use to work at an industrial shop where the train track ran right at the back of the parking lot. When it snowed trucks would think it was the road and get stuck on the tracks. Thankfully the train would round the corner at a snail's pace so i use to watch the train pull trucks off the tracks all the time. Was cool to watch. Even better was the time the train conductor knocked on the back door and asked "is that your car"? I forgot to set my handbrake and the car rolled down to the tracks and halfway in the ditch.This was right next to where I live (In Belguim) and I was on my way back from school with my moped just as the boat was sailing away. Now I know the full story!