There's a huge difference between retreaded tires done this way, as a manufacturing process using sophisticated equipment and methods, and the much more common, small-shop "rolled-on" retreads. The second type are the ones you see experiencing tread separation, because the tread is not a continuous ring, but rather a long strip that's cemented to a tire that's been inspected visually by a person.
Great to know that everyone walked away from these nasty accidents, amazing and shows how well made modern cars are.Seriously folks, please drive carefully. Road safety is no joke. Let's all get there alive!Watching that driver try to swerve around the obstacle only to crash is so scary. It all happened so fast.This video had me on the edge of my seat! Heart-pounding close calls had me holding my breath!
Great to see you doing your daily checks and lubrication schedules on the truck. This will ensure that all the various mechanisms will operate correctly and that longevity of the vehicle, is optimized. Glad to see the truck, and you of course, are making good money for the farm, which is looking fabulous. Well done Clever Girl, you're fantastic
Thankyou for this video.. Our small village built next to the sea In NORTH ESSEX UK was built from Canadian Pine In pre WW2 early 1930/ Soon it will be a 100 years old but no one can know or understand how small built wooden bungalows still proudly stand, except those like me who have had modern extensions built needing the old wood walls removed in places for the extension to be added.
As a former construction worker and pipe layer myself, I can't help but appreciate the precision and skill displayed by the excavator operator in this video. It's truly impressive to see them maneuver the machine with such finesse and tackle the job with perfection. While I do understand your playful disappointment about the nuts and bolts, it's still amazing to witness their expertise in action. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'll definitely keep an eye out for more captivating videos like this. Keep up the great work!
Very clever let's pollute the water i bet that rubble didn't get removed.Wow! No f given to the environment. That is absolutely not how it's done in maine.It looks only to be 20 yrs old at most ..the rubble on the riverbed will create turblulence and undermine the remaining bridge during flood events.This could have gone terribly wrong...had it gone into the other bridge...with traffic on it !!
When I first visited the Redwood forest in California, I thought they didn't look so big. Then I parked next to a tree and went for a short walk. When I looked back, my car looked like a tiny toy next to the tree. That's when I got a true perspective of just how huge they are.Trees are such beautiful creatures and they give us life with oxygen; they are live specimens that feel and protect. I just love them!
Beautiful work. The desire to begin and complete the work with such ambition, must be in your blood. Passed down from generations. A gift from God. Amen.Truly, we can only marvel at the exceptional skill of this master craftsman who transforms solid tree trunks into floating works of art. Turning a piece of nature into a sturdy, seaworthy boat is a testament to creativity and precision at its finest. Every chisel strike and every finishing touch speaks to decades of experience and professionalism. Your work is not just craftsmanship; it is a living art.
Very good video, it tells me about the manufacturing process.Great respect to all the workers. This has to be one of the most dangerous jobs.Watching skillful people do what they do best alone is cool but to work as a team and make a finished product from what they started with is amazing and much respect to everyone involved!
Dude needs to learn the difference between irrigating a crop and applying a herbicide.Several of the devices you describe as watering are actually spraying chemicals, most likely pesticides or fungicides, but possibly foliar application of fertilizers or nutrients.I love how he referred to all the pesticide spraying as water.I'm inspired by the machine's outstanding performance displayed in this video. It's a testament to progress and efficiency.