Dude puts fish in the sand and get applause for saving it.Thank you for saving this little being.Your compassion for animals is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work!You are a kind person and once I helped a fish.I’m going to cry you are so nice to the all animals that you blessed.Thank you for rescuing the little baby murder napkin
As a knifemaker I see a new market for man bun wearing, tube salad imbibing, mango trying, topical news discussing arborist.You should do a fleet Friday series showcasing the different trucks/equipment you guys run. Always nice to get others feedback on what they like and dislike in equipment.I'm sure once he gets through puberty, the mustache will look pretty good!
I live in a lrg. Complex ( retirement) and we have a tree service that maintain our trees and I enjoy watching them maintain our trees. Watching you guys just tickles me, you do it so well, but I could just throw up watching, any thing over 8ft up but I do enjoy watching you boy scale, swing, cut makes me nervous for you but do love watching. Thanks that height thing sucks, gladly your comfortable.
How much do you guys charge per mile? I am asking because we are considering buying a container office for the house.We just received ours to move some storage shipping containers around the warehouse and this works fantastic!So many videos on YT with these things, l wonder who invented them first because they are all the same.Do they come with a fork lift and off road tires
Once you get some seat time in that grader you'll be signing your jobs with the edge of that blade lol. What I used to do was angle blade towards front tire, raise whole blade then drop one end down and dig a nice v-ditch where my edge was going to be, final pass fill it in.That is a really nice small road patrol, gotta be very handy in your line of work!
This type of fishing method can distroy the habitats and the sea floor.This type of fishing practice destroys everything in its path and causes irreversible damage to the marine ecosystem.I love fishing but watching this video hurts my heart how can this be allowed.This video shows how to destroy the underwater world, small fish, corals, until fish that can't be eaten get caught in the net, Look at it like in the underwater desert, almost no coral there, because too often the trawling destroys it
What a beautiful log. I have to admit that I came here to see the log. I love that log. What a big, round, juicy log.I see what your doing.... its smart. Especially with the audience. Kudos to you for know what to show and HOW to present it.I feel a log beginning to grow just watching.Beautiful wood. I was a high school shop teacher for 33 years and taught wood working for most of those years I’ve only seen monkey pod wood in photo’s and now your video and have never worked with it. It will make for some interesting table tops or counter tops.
Glad you were able to help the gentleman. The snakes need to be in the field and smart thinking clearing out a couple of rows in the field.I watch a lot of lawn mower cutting and I believe you do the best edging of all of them. I love the discipline you put into edging these lawns and it's quite noticeable when you're done.
I’ve been a firefighter for the last 6 years and it makes me happy to watch these videos and read the nice comments you people have to say. It’s not an easy job but it does provide happiness because we get to help people every day.People don't realize it but there is something wrong when a man who chases a ball gets paid more than the man protecting your life and property.Respect. Thank you for walking a mile in our shoes
Its incredible where your body takes you when your instincts kick in, good reactions.Holy shit he got rocked by that 2x4, doesn’t even matter how tall that building is, holyyyy shit I can’t believe he was even able to roll around after that.Only people who have never worked on a building site would say they are slow.I saw this video in an accident compilation before but it cut right after the guy fell to the ground. I thought he was beheaded because he instantly turns red. Glad to see i was wrong.