I was always under the impression the truck would dig itself into the material until it stopped, wasn't expecting it to roll backwards.This is a runaway truck ramp. They are placed at the bottom of large grades on highways in order to arrest and slow a truck that can't stop due to brake failure or overheating.Going backwards is possibly more dangerous than forward.
Such incredible coordination and control. Wow!More videos like this, please! I'm hooked.These trucks are absolute beasts. So impressive!These machines are operating at another level. Great job!These drivers have nerves of steel. Impressive!These drivers must have nerves of steel. Amazing!The precision and efficiency of these operations are mind-blowing.
Thanks for showing us how to break the front axle this video really helps to break your axles.Don't try this. You are not that rare drivers that can manage most of these situations.The last situation is very funny, we couldn't agree with the driver of the tractor that was pulling from behind when it was necessary to stop) after he pulled out, the front wheels locked up, but the car still continued to move backwards
Show the final products, you heathens!One fence to rule them all, One fence to find them, One fence to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.Hello happy panda, l am interested in this idea. What country is this? and how can I learn and buy materials and machines needed fir this idea? Please kindly help me out. Thank you. Great video!It’s so cool like magic
In all fairness to have to give it to these engineers.. round of applause.Being raised up on the farm is the best education anyone can receive. !!Heavy machinery is becoming more and more amazing. I love them and the people who run them.Awesome machines that guarantee corporate control of all aspects of agriculture.You know what would really be cool? If the workers had the right to repair these machines themselves, if possible.
Is he building a motocross track if not he has a good start on one.Not durable enough would snap as soon as you catch a piece of rock moving that quick , but can see where you know the soil type can be very affective.Looks to me more of a snow blade with the shoes. Great idea but needs to be made more robust.Wow so beautiful I like
A friend is the one who forgives before you say sorry, understands when you say I forgot. Waits forever when you say 1 minute and stays when you say leave me.Excellent Railways Traks Formations Accuracy.Many Manimore Advantages.I've watched this process being carried out by overseas contractors in a western country, then redone just weeks later. There's an opening for this Chinese ingenuity and productivity.
Bless the guy who doesn't think about his own safety but looks out for his fellow man.Husband entering harms way to save another. Wife getting out supporting her husband. Instant willingness and obedience from the daughter to stop recording and call 911. Solid family unit.Selfless people are what keeps this world going. Not thinking of themselves and running in when they see the need. God bless this man. I hope they got out ok
I cant believe those heavy duty sticks in the mud did not offer enough support.They did everything right, and still somehow managed to fk it up.The wall had no reinforcement and soil is not compacted. This is a cheap construction method, won't last and unsafe.Those sticks were installed incorrectly.Not very good planning ahead for safety
Absolute madness really, never will be allowed in any country that has laws that control this kind of business. That is why sane countries have weigh bridges.Overloading these trucks suggests greed, then to lose your profits for extra equipment assist or lose everything to damage or loss of equipment.Wow I wish I had equipment like that back in my day of forestry things would have been so much easier back in my day it was a chainsaw and the axe great video thank you.