I built trailers like this and designed the back steel plate to be unbolted for floor board replacement.I put floors in trailers for years. Welded the strap on after boards were laid down.That board was under more strain than a calf cramp in the middle of the night.Need bent lumber, just goto home depot. All of their's is bent like bananas
Nothing is more awesome than watching Erickson Air Crane at work. Whether it is yarding logs off a mountain slope or doing water drops on a wildland fire. They are the best.The Air Cranes do a fantastic job during our bushfire season...hats off to the pilots for the jobs they do and save a lot of people a lot of work. Keep up the top work guys. Special mention to the ground crews as well!!
I am a beekeeper myself and certainly can feel this man luck. The reason those bees are very calm and are not aggressive at all is because a swarm of bees has no resources or anything to defend instead they are huddling around the queen bee to keep her in the dark.This man is winning life with that attitude
Cows like to swim, sometimes. Not often and no more than a minute. They seem enjoy while swimming, calm paddling.
Cheers from Indonesia.Can we take a minute to admire those beautiful cows I don’t think I’ve seen very many cows who are mostly black with white spots.The brown and white cows sent a scout to check on the black and white cows' pasture. The scout managed to remain inconspicuous... mostly.
Love the way the beauties take action. As opposed to the freaks that stare point and do nothing.Yes two cute girls r kind too they helped a sleepy man to go on sleeping.Hey lady u should be ashame of yourself thanks to that little girl.Immediate reaction and move of the guy to save the women from the culpri.
I was born in rural China in 1990. When I was a child, my village even lived in the thatched cottage. There was no electricity, no roads, and there could be no television or cars in the village. When it rained, people could only walk out of the village in mud.This is very impressive. China has some incredibly talented engineers and architects to build these amazing structures. Thx so much for the post.
Just admire the way they performed the work and the modern machinery used to complete the task. Here in our place we still use the pre- historic machines.Yeah, it’s so modern that I have seen photos of my hometown making the roads this exact same way back in the1930s.I've only ever seen this method used in the deep south, I don't think this stuff would survive a winter and a plow but wow! Great hustle!
The real danger here is the guy that “saw that coming” and chose to do nothing. Those are the types of guys that get people killed on sites.“Saw that coming” Being a foreman, I always give the veteran guys shit when they witness a green horn fuck up like that, it fucking boils my blood. Especially when they record or shout to other guys and tell them to watch. We all started from the bottom at one point, so do the right thing a speak up.
My God ! How many workers, how many fearless and hardworking people there are in the world! What a great fellow you are! I wish you all health and a lot of strength and long life! I respect and love the whole WORLD! I love any nation, no matter what language they speak! I wish you peace! And peace! All children should live happily!
Guys, this is all incredible, these machines put an end to the suffering of pack animals, but the discovery of the rubber tree, wow, revolutionized everything, rubber, the wonder of nature that makes it possible to transport many tons by land, thank you Lord God for giving intelligence to human beings to do important things