Wood Working
Awesome! I never knew sawmilling could be so interesting. It's impressive to see how those big logs are managed. This video is extremely well-made and clear. I can't wait for your next video. Keep up the fantastic work!Remarkable! I was thoroughly impressed by the sawmilling techniques shown. The skill displayed in processing these huge logs is amazing. This video is extremely clear and well-made. I'm excited to see what you share next. Keep up the superb work!
My new favorite channel. I love learning stuff like this.I can't believe you turned a minnow into a rhino by putting a rose thorn on it.The world of warcraft fishing sound was everything.My only question, is which fails first? The thorn breaking off the stem, or the thread slipping off the stem. Other than that, super useful, I’m sure.It would be AWESOME for him to make a video showing how he made the fish catchers .
I love country women there built different God bless!WOW!! The strength of this woman is incredible!!At 30 I owned a welding shop, the men would drop their jaws when they came in! I always could lift my weight and ran every bit of equipment too! Good ol’ days! Now I am 63 and feel it!Hard working and very strong woman, God bless you. Beautiful.Gorgeous and hard working the perfect woman.
My immediate thought was “that’s gonna be a huge spoon”.It never ceases to amaze me how much wood doesn't go into the final product.I enjoy watching you work quite the craftsman.You’re videos are very comforting thanks for all the cool stuff you make.This is very cool! I watched Justinthetrees carve a spoon and he carved the end after he had carved out the handle. Both ways seem to work well and I really enjoy both of your channels. Scottish subscriber!
Respect !!! The Original Bushcraft. No supply chain issues, just hard work and creativity.Love his attention to detail, a capable young man! Respect!I'd love to hire this young man to make my property a magical place to have.. his skills are just mad incredible!WOW! I am highly impressed!!!!! This young man has awesome skills and talent! Good job!
Love to watch people who do their job so well it becomes a work of art. Incredible!It's gratifying to see craftsmen care about what they do.Impressive. Ingenious. These people are artists, masters of their crafts. I'm seriously in awe. Kids should be shown videos like this in schools, as a reminder that there is still interesting and necessary work to be done outside of a computer.
You are lucky to have a video record of your dad working and his craft. Amazing.Wow! That’s fantastic. I love how he has a cup of tea at the end. Great job, Dad!Wonderful and talented person. It took so much hard work, but he did it patiently. Such a beautiful aquarium and fish. God bless him.Wow the really good you are one of the best I have seen will always watch your videos you are blessed with talent.
That's so great. good technique. I also do art like you.This video is so entertaining, it inspires me to produce videos on my channel.Very nice even though I don’t understand the language. How do you separate the piece from the table? Is that wood bending the table slightly?What country are you in? And what products are you using to create such wonderful pieces of art? I want to try this in the US. Thank you!
Much respect to all the factory workers.Instead of playing repetitive music narrate what we are seeing, and describe it's function in or intended use?Is that root pattern on the vase just being performed by someone holding a stick welding electrode against it?People who working with those machines are pretty amazing too.Shoot, with this kind of footage, one can get all kinds of ideas and inspirations to whip up thisir own lil factory.
I've been cutting wood for over 50 years; this guy knows what he is talking about!I'm a volunteer saw instructor, both crosscut and chainsaw, with a volunteer trail maintenance origination in the PNW. The USFS curricula we use emphasizes the importance of a proper grip on the saw which is as you describe - with the thumb fully wrapped around the saw handles. With the thumb wrapped, there is a mechanical connection between your hand and the saw. With the thumb not wrapped, it's only friction between the palm and fingers and the handle. Students who fail to grip the saw properly will fail their certification class, period, end of story.