The captain stopped instead of taking off, had he not all would be dead.Pilots do whatever they consider it's the best option on stressful situations. They are humans and commit mistakes.The Captain made the right choice to abort takeoff, there was no way he could have know about the crosswinds.If the pilots didn’t stop there would be an explosion up in the air and all would be dead also I’ve heard the story before the reason is because the tanks were leaking fuel so when the fire happened the fuel was leaking so that’s why it when into the cabin so quickly, and 1 or 2 of the emergency doors couldn’t be opened and most of them died bc of the toxic fumes.
Beautiful! I hope we still have trees in my granddaughters' lifetime. (I do NOT mean any dig at woodworking--I have worked professionally and built amateur items, too.) It's only cattle ranchers that shoot people when they stop them bulldozing the Amazon (or anywhere else) that worry me. Every cow drinks 30 gallons freshwater each day. I want that water to drink, and to water plants that we need to survive.Great job on this table! It looks awesome! At first I thought you were going to put epoxy in the various holes and crevices as most woodworkers always do. I was very surprised you actually cut out plugs to fill these voids. I’ve never seen that done before. It clearly takes more time, but I guess it all depends on the desired effect you want. I like the look of black epoxy on tables like this, although I don’t like epoxy river tables. However, the plugs you made look really good also.
Cameraman: “Finally my lifelong obsession with filming garbage trucks has paid off.”May be the first time I've seen "Not Clickbait" in the thumbnail, and it actually wasn't Clickbait.Yes stuff like this happens. People record us all the time. Driver also heard the pipe burst and that's why his reflexes were so fast.This trash truck is sophisticated, it picks up, it puts in the bucket and it cremates them.
Another creator that finds they need to use a thumbnail of something that doesn’t appear in the video !! Why !?!? This is completely misleading and you need to stop. This just earned a “don’t recommend channel” from me !Nice to see hand craft work along side the high tech machinery.The design and function of these machines as well as the qualities and capabilities of the materials used to build things was implied in the design and construction of what are known as stars.
Another fun fact: the swimming pool on the Titanic still has water in it.Historic fact: Titanic's captain Edward John Smith was on his final voyage before his official retirement when the ship hit the iceberg in 1912. Just like a true captain, Smith ordered the passengers safety first before going down with the ship. He didn't leave the passengers or ship behind. I believe that the captain of Costa Concordia and the Oceanos can learn a lot from Captain Edward John Smith.
Wow. I had deja vu. And then I had deja vu all over again.My uncle Is the 1 filming this video he sent this to my dad And said that they were trying to rescue the people on the other side I'm pretty sure they got them all safely Prayers go out to all the victims.I live less than ten miles from this bridge and there were thee other bridges that were washed away, on major roadways. by the way, that bridge was sixty feet from normal water lever.
Which of these demolitions was the most insane?Never thought bridge demolitions would be as entertaining as buildings. Great video!I’m partial to the demolition of the Tappan Zee Bridge, if only because I grew up on one side of it, in Rockland County, NY and crossed over the old bridge dozens of times a year.The best would be the bonus bridge. Bomb it and its still standing looking at you like
How Amazing that the road infrastructure took that weight so well.What we know is that the Mansion over the Hilltop can also be located on the earthquake proof structure. The costs of preservation from one generation to another generation is not overwhelming, as many were overwhelmed with the equivalent and equivalance. Preserved.Honestly I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Iowa has so many beautiful homes that sell for almost nothing. Do you think they could move one of these across the Rockies? I know it's a long way and all but if I could manage it I think it would be great.
Another beautiful restoration. I particularly like the fact that you honor the history and heritage of the items you restore. As to adding music or narration, I vote no. The videos are excellent as they are. Your onscreen narration is excellent. Your editing and visual pacing are improving with each video. The beer tasting and rating are bonuses. Thanks for sharing your talents with the rest of the world.
And there are people that can’t even parallel park a small car!Not a big deal, the ship actually never moved, the earth rotated under it. like how its just gently pushed up against the side.Imagine if the two men stopped it with their bare hands?Awesome seamanship. To put it that gently into dock in that wind, pretty dam smooth.Amazing to actually watch that kind of skills. Perfect!