I've been making fireworks for 20 years and how they produced fireworks is terrifying. The lack of safety is just waiting for a accident.At first I thought they were making grenades.You gotta respect the high level of safety and quality control inspections.Looks like a good group of dudes making an honest living. May God bless these guys.This is what the airport thinks im gonna do with my water bottle.
I was born during the "Great Depression" and I remember going to the local large bakery, named "Gorman's" Bakery and they would make loaf, after loaf, of sliced bread to take to the grocery store, for sale, and they would sell day old bread for 10 cents. Fantastic, and so appreciated.I love breads can't get tired of it. The video is educative thanks for sharing.Thanks for sharing different German dialects! You made it very good with your diligence to present all those dialects as much as possible to its reality. We have fun listening to all these dialects. It's a cultural treasure of special folk ancient languages & their dialects. We appreciate your efforts! Well done!
Thanks for the demonstrations.Real life example… Working hard versus working smart!Just holler at one of the ten guys standing and watching.A professional has failed more than a newbie has tried.The most exciting thing I have seen all day maybe in my whole life.I could've still rolled it in the bucket without turning it.Booyah ! It only makes sense that different sizes will need different procedures.
True professional. Been pulling live bottoms for years now but to spread like that with a box definitely takes skill.Nice job mate. I've never been good at spread dumping but I pull tanker for the most of the time. I'll have to say you guy are great with those dog trailers. Cheers keep the tyres rolling.Have you ever heard of installing chains to the tailgate they make them for spreading in Canada for building roadways then you can set them to different lengths too adjust product coming out hammer down chains do all the work.
I thermit weld now for almost 4 years and i can tell those guys are experienced even tho you dont see how they prepared the rail for the actual welding process. Like cutting the necessary gap with a flame torch and setting the rails even with almost zero tolerance. Hats off to anyone who survived this job for more than 1 year. Even tho you see the "actual" work done its also the easiest thing about the day. But carrying this heavy equipment to where the rails have to be welded is the hardest part for us. Sometimes we push it on a wagon that fits on the rail tracks miles since u cant reach it with the working car & if you have a bad day you have to push it uphill. To this day its always a challenge, for all of us.
Instead of playing repetitive music narrate what we are seeing, and describe it's function in or intended use?Is that root pattern on the vase just being performed by someone holding a stick welding electrode against it?Should have chosen only one color for those tubes on engine on the back. Other than that it's looks really well done. Congratulations.As an American I'm glad I get to watch this so I can learn how to be a more efficient worker for my Chinese overlords.
The worker's paradise. Is this what seizing the means of production looks like?Wow, I love to see how things are made. Great video, but hate to think how many on the job injuries occur on a daily basis in some of those plants.Wow, I love to see how things are made. Great video, but hate to think how many on the job injuries occur on a daily basis in some of those plants..An interesting and rare look into production methods and machines from the 1930's. Anything more modern to show us?
That is thee most gentle crocodile I've ever seen.The croc simply reminded him he's not a horse.I bet that hurt, but he’s lucky it wasn’t any worse.Honestly that crocodile was being a sweetheart compared to what he could have done.Every once in a while, you need a little reminder that you’re really not in charge.That wasn't so much as an attack, as it was a warning. They dont let go when they attack.
Such a creative way of motivating people. We should reward people like this.Very nice watrefall aquarium. So wonderful!Most were overcrowded, had species that should not be in an aquarium or were too small for the species they contained.A lot of these tanks arent even proper tanks. Mostly for show and decoration. Few like the guy that swims in his tank are actually good and keeps the coral and fish healthy.I have a normal marine home aquarium that I watch like a television. I'm addicted.
Limited tools, no pressure washer, no solid ground, no problem. Just add positive attitude and a lot of hard work. We'll just start it back up and walk it out. When failure is just not an option! Nice job.How get the Doosan excavator into the river bed? Maybe this recovery was avoidable?That was amazing. Good job on getting out of the river mud and debris.Good job you got it running now see if they pull yourself out there if not you may have to have some help by another machine.